Rebates & Savings Program
On January 28, 2025, the Ontario Government launched the "Home Renovation Savings Program". The program is designed to help our province reach the goals of creating a more Energy Efficient Environment while working towards a healthier and more sustainable Residential Envelope. The program offers rebates for many different home improvements, including Windows, Entrance Doors & Sliding Doors.
The program for Windows & Doors is a "Bundle & Save" program. Here are step-by-step instructions of the program guidelines for you to follow:
The Homeowner must schedule & complete an initial home energy assessment with a registered energy advisor from an approved Service Organization. Please visit saveonenergy.ca to find a registered Energy Advisor.
Your Energy Advisor will provide you with a report so you can determine which upgrades are recommended for your home and choose at least 2 to complete.
The Homeowner can then select Fendor as their contractor to complete the work.
After we have completed the work, the homeowner must schedule & complete a final assessment with the same registered Energy Advisor.
Once the Final Assessment is completed and registered by the Energy Advisor, your rebates will be sent to you directly.
Upgrade Requirements combined with one or more other rebate-eligible products, at a minimum, 3 Window Rough Openings, 1 Entrance Door, or 1 Sliding Door Rough Opening with ENERGY STAR® certified model.
General Rebate Details
Some important details are:
Each qualified "Rough Opening" can receive up to a $100.00 Rebate.
Windows, Entrance Doors & Sliding Patio Doors "MUST" be an Energy Star Certified Product.
All eligible homeowners must be Enbridge Gas customers with an active account and primarily heat their home with a natural gas furnace or boiler OR be connected to the Ontario electricity grid and heat their home electrically.
A maximum rebate of $600 for a home energy assessment is mandatory to unlock all rebates.